Spinach ( Palak ) – Super Food To Boost Your Immunity In Winter Season | Health Benefits Of Spinach / Palak | Buy Fresh Palak Online Via Minimart Indian Grocery App

Every season has its seasonal speciality of fruits and vegetables. Do you know what winter is called? Winter calls for a variety of juicy fruits and green vegetables. Juicy berries like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are winter fruits. Leafy vegetables are abundant in this season. Among all vegetables, spinach is very important in this season.

Spinach / Palak is the most favorite vegetable in the winter season. It is known as a superfood. It is popular in India and other Asian countries like US, Japan, Turkey and Indonesia. Spinach is slightly bitter in taste. However, it has many health benefits as it is packed with high nutrients and energy with iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium and many other nutrients. When someone talks about a balanced diet, spinach is the first veggie that comes to mind.

This watery leafy veggie helps in clearing various health problems. Spinach / Palak should be eaten fresh. It can be taken both raw and cooked. In one cup of spinach contains 250mg of calcium, which keeps our bones healthy along with teeth. Let's move on to other health benefits associated with spinach. They are listed below:

Nutritional Benefits Of Spinach :

Magnesium: Spinach is fully loaded with magnesium, which helps boost metabolism, regulates heart rhythm, and maintains blood pressure.

Iron: Adding citrus fruits along with spinach makes our body energetic and efficient.

Vitamin A: A cup of cooked spinach provides more vitamins as spinach is rich in vitamin A.

Health Benefits Of Spinach / Palak :

Anti-Cancer Properties

Spinach is full of flavonoids. A flavonoid is a phytonutrient that has anti-cancer properties. The role of flavonoids is to slow down the cell division in skin cells. The high source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids present in spinach provides protection against prostate cancer, oral cancer and stomach cancer. These elements remove free radicals from our body. These free radicals make our body prone to cancer and spinach prevents them from affecting us.

Reduces High Blood Pressure

One of the most dangerous health risks is high blood pressure. This can happen for various reasons. High blood pressure is associated with many health problems. It causes palpitations, rapid breathing, profuse sweating and a claustrophobic feeling. As a result, high blood pressure should be treated far away. High fat foods should be avoided to control high blood pressure. As a result, spinach is a particularly beneficial vegetable. Spinach is rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure naturally. Because vegetables are heavy in water, they contain very little fat.


Improves Digestive Health

Many studies show that spinach suppresses appetite. Spinach / Palak is low in calories and high in fiber, which ultimately helps in better digestion and prevents constipation. A weak digestive system can lead to stomach aches and vomiting, even in case of a serious health problem. In such cases apart from lettuce curd, cucumber and some other vegetables are recommended. These foods keep the digestive system healthy and protected. Therefore, you can include spinach in your daily diet. It helps you in many ways as it helps you lose weight and prevents overeating.

Prevention Of Heart Attack

The hardening of artery walls due to excessive fat deposition is a major cause of heart attacks. To prevent this, eat spinach, which prevents this from happening and, as a result, reduces the risk of strokes and atherosclerosis.

Improves Eyesight

Eating spinach protects the eyes from cataracts and provides light filtration due to its abundance of zeaxanthin and lutein. Spinach / Palak is also rich in vitamin A, which is important for normal eyesight and mucous membrane health.

Benefits Of Brain

Spinach helps in the proper functioning of your brain and helps you think clearly, especially as you get older. Spinach is thought to have anti-stress properties due to its ability to reduce corticosterone levels. It is rich in zinc and magnesium, which help our bodies relax and sleep well at night. Vitamin K also aids in the synthesis of sphingolipids, which slow cognitive decline and help promote brain health (the fat that coats the myelin sheath of nerves).

Recovery From Fatigue

Fatigue is caused by improper nutrition of the body or insufficient food. Proper nutritional intake is essential to prevent blackout or fainting. The high nutritional value of iron, magnesium and other essential nutrients help a person recover from fatigue as soon as possible. The iron content relaxes the muscle tone and helps in providing good energy. Spinach is one of the best ingredients that do what is needed.

Healthy Bones

Spinach contains vitamin K, which helps bone health by promoting the production of osteocalcin (a protein that maintains bone's density and strength). Spinach / Palak is also high in calcium, which prevents osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency causes rapid bone loss and causes more fractures. Spinach also helps in the development of muscle tissues and collagen formation.

Helpful In The Growing Age Of Children

Leafy vegetables play an important role in the growth and health of children. As a child grows, more nutrition is needed for healthy and growing height. A growing child needs good nutrition, iron and calcium. Thus, spinach / palak is the best source of iron and calcium. It builds strong immunity for children. Hence, it is one of the best vegetables for growing children.

Prevents Anaemia

Iron is a component of hemoglobin, and any deficiency reduces the supply of oxygen to our body's cells. It is better than other sources of iron as it is low in calories. Since spinach / palak is rich in iron, it effectively prevents anemia in children and women who develop during menstruation.

The vigorous leaves of spinach are very nutritious. Hence, it is the most nutritious vegetable around! To reap the benefits of spinach / palak, you can order online from Minimart Indian Grocery fresh produce / vegetables section. Minimart Grocery App delivers all your Indian groceries at your doorstep. For more details, visit minimart.app today.

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